Click on the photo above for a link to the brochure! (Please also note that the photo above is a photo and all illustrated sports / sports equipment will be offered).
Click here to download the 2025 sports camp brochure!
The William Floyd School District Department is pleased to announce the 2025 summer sports camps for students entering 1 to 12th year! There will again be a variety of sports camps among this summer!
All interested students must submit a registration form, as well as payment to WFHS Athletic Office. Profits will benefit from William Floyd’s sports service for supplies and equipment.
Please make checks / mandates payable in the school district of William Floyd and send to:
William Floyd school district
240 Beach Road putty
Beach putty, ny 11951
CAUTION: Sports office
Questions? Contact the WFHS Athletic Office at 631-874-1634.
Camp requirements
- Open to residents of the school district and non-residents (unless otherwise indicated).
- Non-residents must submit a current physique at the time of registration.
- All athletes in the district must have a current physique of a doctor in the school district in order to participate.
- All payments must be submitted with a registration form completed at the WFHS Athletic Office.
- All drugs must be connected with the coach on the first day of the camp.
- Refunds will only be provided for medical reasons. Requests must be written and must include a doctor’s note.